Ever since the invasion of Ukraine began in February 24th, the Pentecostal family around the world has been joining in intercession, support, encouragement and in many cases action on behalf of the millions of individuals deeply affected by this conflict. We have seen and heard heart wrenching accounts of what’s taking place within the country as well as witnessed heroic displays of courage by so many. In like fashion, we have seen and heard from many of our fellow pastors, missionaries and christian leaders within Ukraine that have been risking it all to serve, care for, love and meet the needs of their people.
It is in times such as these, that we, Spirit Empowered leaders from around the world have an opportunity to rally together on behalf of our brothers and sisters in the midst of appalling circumstances.
Our very own Pentecostal Commission for Religious Liberties stated that “For decades Christians have been praying for the Soviet Union and Russia. Remembering the persecuted Christians and sending out missionaries to the Caucasus, Central Asia, Volga area and Siberia, attempting to reach the unreached people groups… This is not only a question of social disaster, but also an alarm clock, Ever since the occupation of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine in 2014, 50 church buildings were confiscated, and evangelical communities are estimated to have declined by almost 75% as believers have fled rebel-held areas, moreover, 10 active members of different churches have become martyrs"
Many of our movements already have started to mobilize and respond to the needs on the ground through their relief and development agencies as well as missionary agencies. Many of us would like to also contribute and collaborate but we would like to know who to reach out too.
Thankfully, through the PWF we have Pentecostal channels for helping our Ukrainian Pentecostal family as well as
providing support to the many partners and churches assisting the refugees that have fled to Poland, Moldova,
Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and beyond. The member organizations of our Pentecostal Development and
Relief Partners Network are already active in the area and providing assistance with boots on the ground!