I would like to welcome you to the page of the World Missions Commission of  the Pentecostal World Fellowship. 

As the Pentecostal World Fellowship embraces the challenge to see every person on earth hear the good news of the Gospel, the inescapable reality is that 3.3 billion people (42% of the world’s population) are unreached. The role of the World Missions Commission is front and center. Moreover, the conversation amongst the Pentecostal missions community is also looking beyond unreached to consider a second grouping, the never reached.

For the challenge of Everyone by 2033, presented by Dr. Wilson, to be achieved, the movement must understand that missions are no longer from the West to the rest but from anywhere to everywhere. The key to accessing closed nations, reaching the never-reached, engaging the unchurched, and fulfilling the great commission resides in the global church, answering the call, not just the Western part.

The sending structures of Pentecostal expressions around the globe have the potential to serve as catalysts for the harvest. However, the potential will only be realized if the traditional senders fully embrace the opportunity to welcome, resource, and empower the new senders around the globe to fulfill their role in world evangelization.

As the Spirit-empowered movement is focused on the Everyone 2033 goals, the World Missions Commission embraces the challenge to build bridges, equip new senders, cultivate opportunities, innovate across cultures, and serve the Pentecostal moment to ensure that from anywhere to everywhere until Jesus comes, we will go. 

Rev. Max Barroso



The World Missions Commission is passionate about nurturing an environment of cooperation and flexibility. We are committed to providing a sound, Biblical, and missiological basis for holistic world mission activities. Our members are motivated to engage with one another through cooperation and to motivate the PWF members to fully engage in world missions.


The Pentecostal Commission on Religious Liberties focuses its efforts primarily on advocacy, networking, and resourcing on behalf of the persecuted church to the Pentecostal family at large. Religious freedom is violated in our world in three different ways: through discrimination, persecution, and martyrdom. Discrimination takes place even in countries claiming religious liberty, including Western nations. In many nations, these is increasing tolerance of Biblical values.


The Relief and Development Network serves to raise awareness of how we serve the holistic gospel and could work together to deepen our impact around the world. Many of us represent national church fellowships and their mission initiatives, we share a common conviction that the gospel as expressed through the local church is the catalyst for individual community and societal transformation through the work of the Holy Spirit.